Sunday 4 December 2011

2 Reference Books focusing on Womens Hints and Tips

I received both these books for christmas and regretfully they have been sitting on my shelf for a while.  As part of my challenge I am working my way through every book I own and at least trying to read it.  These two books were more useful than I first thought and regret not noticing I have them.   I have lumped these two books together as they are both reference style books that I skimmed through and read the most relevant sections - but did not read from cover to cover.

211 Things Any Bright Girl Can Do  - Bunty Cutler

This is a great book to have on your shelf.  It is one of those books that you would imagine every girl used to have - tips and hints to keeping your household in tip top condition and giving you hints on all the life skills they never taught you at school. Its a combination of up to date useful information and information that may not be relevant today. The writing style if very humours and some of the advice should be taken with a pinch of salt.  Its a very accessible guide and great to dip in and out of. And i think from now on it will sit proudly on my shelf so if i ever need to know how to ride a space hopper in a mini skirt, force a cucumber, or change a tyre I can dig it out and learn how to do it.

Love Is Not Enough - Merryn Webb

This is another handy reference book for how to manage and handle your income. It includes information such as what type of insurance is useful and what is not, and how to spend your money wisely and efficiently.  I did however find some of the information a bit shallow and could see why other people may need this advice however I wish their was more for those who seem to be doing everything right.  In a situation where money is tight, it basically keeps advising putting money into savings left, right and centre. Well if i had any money to spare after bills and food i probably would and am not spending ridiculous amounts of money on clothes and shoes like it suggests I am doing.  I think maybe I am either doing most things right, or I'm too stingy person to be spending money on unnecessary things. However it is a good book to refer back to for some of the advice it gives and it is defiantly handy for those who do have many credit cards because they overly spend on material possessions or get conned by the get rich quick schemes or the constant barrage of loans and quick cash now and credit cards.

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