Sunday 29 May 2011

Carrie - Steven King

Carrie is no ordinary school girl, she has the gift of Telekinesis. She is badly bullied and has an overbearing religious mother, which spells disaster for Carrie.  When the kids in school go one step too far, Carrie exerts her revenge.

Thursday 26 May 2011

One Day - David Nicholas

I can imagine you at forty,' she said, a hint of malice in her voice. 'I can picture it right now.' He smiled without opening his eyes. 'Go on then.' 15th July 1988. Emma and Dexter meet for the first time on the night of their graduation. Tomorrow they must go their separate ways. So where will they be on this one day next year? And the year after that? And every year that follows? Twenty years, two people, ONE DAY.

Sunday 22 May 2011

Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep? - Phillip K. Dick

War has left the Earth Devastated, through its ruins Deckard a bounty hunter stalks out rouge Androids.  When he isn't retiring them he dreams of owning an 'animal', the ultimate status symbol.  Then Rick gets his big assignment to kill 6 Nexus-6 targets for a large reward.  But things are never that simple.

Rich Girl, Poor Girl - Lesley Lokko

Nic, Caryn and Tory: three girls who form a friendship that should last a lifetime. Nic is the daughter of a white Zimbabwean business tycoon. Despite a life of jaw-dropping wealth and privilege, all she really wants is a bit of attention from daddy. Caryn never met her father - but growing up on a tough London sink estate, she had other things to worry about. Like getting out and moving on. Tory just yearns for some space to be herself. Living in the shadow of your dead sister is tough, particularly when she seemed to be everything you're not. Then beautiful, ruthless Estelle McKenzie appears on the scene. Estelle has a secret - and one way or another, she's going to make each woman pay a very high price for it.

Zoo City - Lauren Beukes

Zinzi December, has a sloth on her back, and a habit of pulling 419 scams over the Internet.  She has a knack for finding missing things.  This time, she is asked to look for a missing person, and ends up in alot deeper than she wanted to be.  Mixing up with all the wrong people, sometimes people just don't want to be found. 

Notes from a Small Island - Bill Bryson

Before leaving to move back to America, Bryson decides on one last trip around the UK, using the only British way possible - public transport.  He seeks anything that may be of interest and sets to discover what makes Britain truly British.

Tuesday 10 May 2011

The Good Women Of China - Xinran

The good women of China, follows the lives of several women and how they really live in Modern China.  Xinran, a journalist, presented a radio show inviting women to share their stories annonomously.  Revealling a shocking truth of obedience, political turmoil, and stories which shock you to the core.

Why read - After reading about Korea, I have become interested in learning about peoples lives in different countrys.  This book was recommened because they knew of my interests.

A poinent and very sad book, but also very interesting.  Xinarn presents each story as a case study of different women she has encounted, threaded with her own life expereinces, how she met these women and similar smaller stories she relates to along the way.

It is such a sad book, in the stories are really heartbreaking what these women have put up with, and it is so secreative to the outside world.  It brings such a interersting insight into a world that is rarely reported.  Xinran style of writing is captivating, and she really can bring these stories to life.  A fantastic, if not sad read.

Thursday 5 May 2011

How To Ditch Your Fairy - Justine Larbalestier

Everyone has their own fairy. Charlie has a parking fairy, useless, especially for a teen who doesn't like cars.  She wants to get rid of her useless fairy and exchange it for a better one.  Rochelle has a shopping fairy, which ensures she always has lovely clothes at bargain prices, and Steffi's fairy ensures he doesn't get into trouble.  However Charlie has to be careful what she wishes for....

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Stuart, A life Backwards - Alexander Masters

This is the life of Stuart Short, A thief, a psycho, a drug addict, a homeless man. This is his life, told backwards.  We discover the failings of the system, how people become homeless and the faults their.  A wonderful insight into how people just fall through the net and how the council and governments just let it happen.

Monday 2 May 2011

Rich Girl, Poor Girl - Lesley Lokko

Nic, Caryn and Tory: three girls who form a friendship that should last a lifetime. Nic is the daughter of a white Zimbabwean business tycoon. Despite a life of jaw-dropping wealth and privilege, all she really wants is a bit of attention from daddy. Caryn never met her father - but growing up on a tough London sink estate, she had other things to worry about. Like getting out and moving on. Tory just yearns for some space to be herself. Living in the shadow of your dead sister is tough, particularly when she seemed to be everything you're not. Then beautiful, ruthless Estelle McKenzie appears on the scene. Estelle has a secret - and one way or another, she's going to make each woman pay a very high price for it.