Friday 11 March 2011

Message In A Bottle - Nicholas Sparks

When Theresa finds a message in a bottle washed up on the beach, she is curious of the author. She manages to track him down and goes to meet him. Theresa, weary of love, after a messy divorce finds herself drawn to him.  

       (Spolier Alert)

Read - Because, i have read most of his other novels and hadn't yet read this one. 

I picked this up because i was in a little bit of a bad mood, and Nicholas Sparks style of writing lends itself to soppy romance, thats very easy to read and quick to get through.  Although i think i might have overkilled on the Nicholas Sparks. After reading this book, following the same formula as his last books i was almost bored at the similarities between this book and his other works.  

Its a bit whisy-washy and I wouldn't praise him for literacy genius.  I found this book slightly shallow and very brief on the story line.  Its also slightly unrealistic, they jump from one emotion to another briefly but then they seemed to get over it, i mean they approach different fears, how do I get over past love, how can we fall in Love so quick, but then the next minute its almost as if that was just a fleeting thought. This meant I couldn't really get to know the characters and therefore didn't really warm to them or engage with them. 

(Spoiler Alert)

Now, despite all this i did enjoy the story up to a point. As expected i found it a nice easy read and something i could loose myself in. True to Sparks style, we get a single woman (divorced, widowed, down on luck), who for whatever reason meets a guy, falls in love, then we have a twist which usually concludes with them not being able to be with each other for whatever reason.  Then they unrealistically magically sort out their problems and fall in love.  Now with this story, he goes and kills the guy off in the last few chapters, and it leaves you thinking what the hell was the point of this story if they are not going to have their happy ever after and they go through all this story just to kill one of the main characters off. Yes i know i was annoyed that his formula is all the same but this was just a bit too much for my liking.  It wasn't even like he gave Theresa much of a 'your a stronger person and you have learnt from this' especially not in the short ending we had.  It was almost like well they cant 'be together' so i might as well kill one of them off, there problem fixed. 

Sorry for the rant, but i needed to get that off my chest. 

Ps, conclusion, dont read this book if you have read loads of Nicholas Sparks, and if you want to read one of his novels, choose one of his others.  

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