Sunday 16 January 2011

Good Omens - Terry Pratchett

According to the Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter - the world's only totally reliable guide to the future - the world will end on a Saturday. Next Saturday, in fact. Just after tea...

You see, there was a bit of a mix-up when the Antichrist was born.  The only person who knows how it will all end is Agnes Nutter, a witch whose prophecies all come true, if one can only manage to decipher them. A story about angels, the antichrist and several other familiar characters, and the end of the world of course.

I must admit I am not a huge fan of Terry, but I have watched his films and love his wit and play on words, maybe I have not yet picked up the right book. This is the second Terry Pratchett I have read, the first being Nation which I actually enjoyed so I thought I would give it a shot. Especially seen as a few people had told me I had to read it.

So Good Omens. Overall I can say I enjoyed this story, a nice play on words with the occasion laugh out loud one liner. However I must also admit it didn't quite hold my attention and I felt like I was reading to finish it as oppose to enjoying it and found myself more skimming through the story. Yes Terry is one whitty chap, who has a nice way of writing a story which we recognise but his own little twist on the world. This particular story focusing on Angels and Demons and the End of The World, and could we be saved by the spawn of Satan. It follows several different characters, all involved in stopping the end of the world and how they all play their own part, and includes lots of plot lines that would be familiar to most.

In conclusion I would prob say if u like Terry Pratchett then this is a good book to read, if u like the sci-fi and the clever play on words then this is a great book for you. But I also think it can be quite confusing when your trying to separate the world as you know it and the world inside of Terry's head.

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